Monday, December 1, 2008

Thankful Thanksgiving

Well this past week it was Thanksgiving... and for once I've felt like I've had alot more to be thankful for than I ever have... that makes me sound ungrateful for what I've had in the past, and that isn't necessarily what I mean by that.

What's different, is that this year, I feel like I'm actually living my life, because I'm surrounded by people I love, people who don't drain the life out of me.

We didn't have our Thanksgiving dinner on the actual day, because my aunt Jody had to work, and she was off Saturday, plus Saturday was her birthday, so we combined the two. It was a pretty good day... Kayla and I put together a surprise gift bag for her (she hadn't been expecting a gift) and the look on her face was worth it. It felt so good to hand it to her, and see how happy she was. She deserves so much more, she does so much for all of us.

And now (come on, don't tell me you weren't expecting this part) I must say that I am most certainly extremely thankful for Tyler... he and I have had a few rough days this past week, but I've never met anyone more worth it, and I doubt I ever could. I recieved a letter from him in the mail on Friday, and just holding it in my hands made me feel so many things... so I told him he'd better hurry up and get himself over here so I can feel how much better it'll feel to have my arms around him, rather than a letter he wrote (wow, how sappy am I? hahahaha)

Anywho... I have much to be thankful for, and of courst not least at all, those of you who read this blog. Oh yes, and Today is my nephew Jonathan's birthday! He's 9 years old, I can't believe it! I remember the day he was born... and before I know it he's gonna be 25 and I'm going to be in culture shock. Then tomorrow is his little brother Sam's birthday... what is going on??? This isn't fair! Why are these kids growing up so fast!!! Also, my cousin Kayla's son Jabari's birthday is on December 24th... he'll be a year old.. AHH make the children stop aging! I can't keep up!

Anyway... signing off! <3

1 comment:

Krystel said...

Awww, I'm glad your aunt had a great birthday. You girls are so sweet. And it's nice that Tyler wrote you. So cute. Wow, you have a lot of birthdays coming up!

Glad you're having fun!

- Krystel