Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas around the Corner

With Christmas so close, I'm now looking back on the past year and thinking of everything that's happened. I think I've had a more eventful year than ever before. I was kicked out of an apartment, lied about by my former landlord, found the love of my life, AND moved across the country.

Phew... even just typing all that out made me lose my breath!! It's amazing how much can change... I was actually really depressed a few months ago, and now I'm happier than I've ever been before! The years can only get better. I'm looking forward to ringing in the new year with everyone here (Jody, Kayla, Jabari, Jacob and Randy) and of course with Tyler, even though his new year will come six hours before mine.

I'm loving every moment of life, and I can't wait for it to go on. Tyler and I have been discussing it, and we've determined that if we both save up this year, and work for it, I'll be able to go there, and spend the Holidays with him next year.. Originally he had said he wanted to come here... but he's had a um... history, and he's worried about being sent away by the USA customs, because he's read up on it, and neither of us know if he'd actually be allowed into the country, so we changed it around. I'm SO excited!!!

I've always known, but I'm learning more and more that every moment of life is precious and beautiful, even if it doesn't seem so at the time. Once you get out of the rough spots, you can look back and see what beautiful things have formed from something not so beautiful.

Example: I was in a horrible situation in Salt Lake.. I didn't really have anywhere to go, I mean I had people willing to help, but no one that really could, and I understand that, I just really didn't have anywhere to go, and I was coping with being single, I mean I wasn't LOOKING for someone to share my life with... and almost all at once I found the one person who was meant for me, and I moved here to Mississippi to stay with a family that I've always loved spending time with... I just can't seem to get over how it all happened.

I think I'll always have down moments, but I know for a fact that I am extremely lucky to have my life start falling together from the shambles it was in at such a young age as 23.

Oh and what else? It was the most bizarre thing.. a few days ago I felt ill, like I was coming down with a bug or something. I was in bed all day, my head felt foggy, my throat hurt... and none of it made any sense. Maybe I was getting sick, but I didn't think so. Then Tyler sent me a text message saying he felt horrible and had been in bed all day with a cold, then it clicked! I was feeling it with him... we've done that before, it's so bizarre but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Jabari, Kayla's son will turn one year old on Wednesday, and we've got a cake for him and everything. I was thinking the other day about when he gets older, people will probably often try to give him one gift and say "Oh, your birthday is the day before Christmas, so I thought I'd just get one gift and call it done..." maybe he'll be fine with that when he's an adult, but for a kid? That's gotta be just terrible... plus he doesn't get to space out his birthday from Christmas... hahaha I'm sure he'll cope.

I'm also looking forward to spending Christmas here with these people, it's going to be so much fun!!!

Here's wishing all of my lovely followers a very Merry Christmas, and an extremely wonderfully Happy New Year!!!
