Friday, November 21, 2008

Hurricane Katrina "aftermath" still isn't over...

Yesterday, Jody, Kayla, Jacob, Jabari and I all decided to randomly take a quicky road trip down to the coast. We saw the Gulf of Mexico... it was beautiful, but I also saw alot of the damage that Hurricane Katrina did down there... even though it's been cleaned up quite a bit, I could see places where the houses had been torn right up... like a set of stairs up to a porch, and nothing more. It was so heartbreaking to look at. So many people lost their homes. It made me so grateful for what I have.

I know there's been a lot of people, even a few people I know personally who have actually said "Ugh I'm so sick of hearing about Hurricane Katrina, it was years ago!!!" and I never agreed really, but now that I'm actually down here in this area, and I've seen all the damage she really did, I disagree with that even more. I knew that the hurricane had affected my family down here, so I knew that it wasn't really over, I don't think it ever will be over. So many people's lives were completely changed, and so many people's lives were lost.

I am so happy to have what I have, and I feel confident that I don't take any of it for granted. I know that I am lucky for everything I have, and all the loved ones I have especially.

Jody told me that with Katrina, the storm surge, which is the wave that comes off the ocean after a hurricane, usually comes in about two hours or so after the actual storm, so people have time to prepare for it. But with Katrina, it came right with the storm, so no one was prepared, and that's why so many people died. I just kept looking out at the Gulf, and thinking how terrible it would be to see a huge wave coming, and being so close to it, and not being able to do anything about it. It would be so terrifying.

I feel like I've come quite a ways in the last couple of months, thanks to family, and of course Tyler... without him I wouldn't have had the courage to come out here, and without my family here I wouldn't have had the opportunity. No one should ever take what they have for granted... and I know a few people that do, and it sickens me... it always did, but yesterday made me appreciate everything so much more.

I love you all!

P.S. I'm also a bit more emotional today because it's Tyler's birthday and he's off spending the day in Camden (it's a little town on the outskirts of London) so I'm missing him =[ but I do hope he's having a good time.

Anywho.. Toodleoo!

1 comment:

Krystel said...

Wow, that sounds insane. I'm glad you had the opportunity to experience all that, even though the hurricane was so horrible. I feel like I often take things for granted myself, and it's terrible that at times something huge needs to happen in order for people to appreciate what they have. Sometimes you may not even notice something unless it's taken away.