Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a dayyy

Okay so I woke up today in paaiin because my teeth have been bothering me and I can't figure out why... it feels like pressure on my back molars, and it's rather annoying. Luckily I got to spend most of the day talking to Tyler, who I mentioned in the previous post haha... but as cheesy as it sounds he always makes me feel better.

So I woke up and stayed in bed for a while because I was in pain, and then Jody, Kayla, Jacob, Jabari and I climbed into the truck and we went to Forrest General Hospital (it's the hospital my aunt Jody works for, with her medical transcripting) so we could get lunch from the cafeteria... because we were hungry and didnt want ramen noodles, and Jody can use her badge at the cashier and get the employee discounted price of the meals deducted from her pay check.

Then we got back, and I grounded my kitty Ebony from leaving my room for the next two days because she attacked Cici, a cat that already lived here, when I've been telling her that this was Cici's house first and she needs to respect that. She's smart enough to know what she's being punished for.

So I was laying in bed, and the sweetest thing happened. There's a little pot of fake yellow tulips here that is kept by the fireplace. So I was laying in bed, and out of nowhere, my cousin Jacob (who is autistic) came into my room carrying the tulips, he walked over and handed them to me, and left again. I thought it was rather sweet so I got onto my laptop and sent an IM to my aunt Jody, from her computer in her bedroom. I told her he did that, and she told me that he had asked where I was, so she told him I was in bed because I wasn't feeling good, so I guess he got the idea to bring me the flowers! Then a little while later, he brought me what looked like a lid to a whinnie the pooh cookie jar... bit more interesting than the flowers, but still sweet...

A while later, we all piled back into the truck to go and get some snacks, because we're random like that. When we got back from that, I was sitting on the sofa with Kayla for a while, watching tv... and then I spent like over an hour on the phone with Tyler... you have to understand that he lives in England, so I can't call him every day... so when I can hear his voice it's a real treat. I can hardly wait for his birthday (November 21st) because I promised him I'd call again then... it had better come soon... I really don't want to wait that long to hear him again but I don't have very much time left on my phone card.

Now we've just had homemade pizza (which was delicious) for supper, and I'm sitting here on the sofa with Kayla.. watching tv again. The days here in Mississippi are never dull, and I'm loving every moment =]

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Love the blog! Thanks for being one of my followers, I was so excited to see more than 2 on there.